Time to dust the cobwebs off of this blog. No major RPG news to report at this time. We’ve been looking at FATE Core for our next foray, but that’s been dragging due to my travel schedule. If I get some traction there, I’ll do my best to post about it.
I have been painting miniatures again, which has been a lot of fun. I received the Reaper Bones set mid-year, and worked ona few here and there. The big push has been for Warmachine, as my friend Spencer pulled me back into the fold. It’s been low-investment this time around, since I acquired so many miniatures last time around. I’ve been painting up my Cryx forces and enjoying the games thus far.

Deneghra, the default warcaster from the Cryx Battle Box. I’m happy with the bases I got from Secret Weapon Miniatures. (I really hate working on bases; I’d much rather be painting actual figures)
Pistol Wraith, from Privateer Press. I had seen someone with a similar paint scheme, showing the wraith shifting to ghostly form, so I figured I’d imitate it. I’m very pleased with this one.
Epic Sorscha, from the Warmachine Khador faction. I painted this up for a friend, using his chosen color scheme. This pic drives home the fact that I need a better camera setup. I don’t want to reveal all of the imperfections, but her face turned out great, and I hate that it’s blurred here.
A fire giant from the Reaper Bones Kickstarter. So many of these to paint, but they’re falling behind the Warmachine figures that I’m currently using.
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