Four days off work vs. four days of food poisoning/stomach flu. Yeah, I’d have rather been at the office. The malady has been so disruptive, I’ve found little time to paint. Most of it has been either watching television on the couch or sleep. Fun times.

So, I’ve been Following a friendly competition on the site Muse on Minis called Play it Painted. Forum members post images of their unpainted Warmachine minis at the start of the month as a pledge. By end of month, they should have photos of said minis painted. Painted minis earn you points, and at the end of the year, those with the most could earn a prize. The prize doesn’t matter to me, but the group push to get your minis painted and keep at the hobby – that’s what interests me. I’m not sure if they’ll be doing it again in 2014 as the guy behind it was bowing out, but we’ll see.
This seems like a good point to post some “before pics” of minis I currently have. Here is the group shot for what I’m looking to paint in January.
The two in the front are the Bane Thrall Officer and Standard Bearer. I already have a unit of these guys, but these two make the unit more durable in battle. Some people have a tendency to shoot my guys and I can’t have that happening.
The top left is the Harrower helljack. It’s a cool model set where I can swap out the weapons and effectively have a different jack (Leviathan or Desecrator). This is the first model I’ve magnetized, and it’s worked out well so far.
Finally we have the Deathjack. This is a lesson in “don’t put crazy models completely together before painting.” I’ve started painting a little on it, and reaching between all of the spikes and obscured areas is going to be a pain.

One thing will interfere with this paint schedule – my first commissioned work! A friend liked my painted work and wants me to paint his Zombicide survivor figures for him. It should be a fun change of pace to tackle these. Much like with my web work – it’s an odd feeling when someone wants to pay me for my creative endeavors. I’ll see if I can post a pic or two of the Zombicide figures as I go.
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